GQ Australia looks to none other than Aussie, Chris Hemsworth for its 2016 Man of the Year. The Australian actor covers the magazine’s December 2016/January 2017 issue. Hemsworth links up with photographer Doug Inglish and stylist Brad Homes for the cover shoot.
Related: Chris Hemsworth Connects with Modern Luxury, Talks Hollywood
Mark Ruffalo on Chris Hemsworth
Talking to the magazine, Hemsworth’s Thor: Ragnarok co-star, Mark Ruffalo shares kind words about him. Ruffalo expresses, “Chris is one of those rare talents who’s at once physically perfect while at the same time being truly gifted. We had such a good time working together on Thor 3.”
The 48-year-old actor continues, “Every day was an experiment and adventure, and if we weren’t pushing ourselves out past our comfort zone, we weren’t really enjoying ourselves. Chris is one of the most generous and committed actors. He can be very funny and very serious in turns and has a huge range because of this.”
Chris Hemsworth GQ Australia Photo Shoot