H&M Presents Festive Christmas Sweaters


The Fashionisto


Published December 5, 2015


Updated December 7, 2015

Bo wears H&M Patterned Christmas SweatshirtPin
Bo wears H&M Patterned Christmas Sweatshirt

Following an infectious celebrity ad spotH&M calls on model Bo Develius as the Swedish brand showcases its latest holiday men’s styles. Christmas is front and center for the label as novelty fashions are unveiled. Bo charms as he wears over the top sweaters with festive prints.  Santa Claus, snowmen, Christmas trees, candy canes and gingerbread men make an appearance, delivering endless charm. Shop H&M Men’s holiday sweaters at HM.com.

Related: H&M Spreads Cheer with Holidays Advertisements

Bo wears H&M Christmas Tree Sweater.Pin
Bo wears H&M Christmas Tree Sweater.

Bo wears H&M Knit Christmas Sweater.Pin
Bo wears H&M Knit Christmas Sweater.
Bo wears H&M Santa Christmas SweaterPin
Bo wears H&M Santa Christmas Sweater

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