Instagram Photos of the Week: Arthur Gosse, Marlon Teixeira, James Smith + More

Models Arthur Gosse and Marlon Teixeira hangoutPin
Models Arthur Gosse and Marlon Teixeira hangout

Bo Develius uses SnapchatPin
Bo Develius uses Snapchat
James Smith shows off his summer tanPin
James Smith shows off his summer tan
Linus Gustin finds some interesting worksPin
Linus Gustin finds some interesting works
Adam Senn relaxes in sunny CaliforniaPin
Adam Senn relaxes in sunny California
Cory Bond takes a shamless selfiePin
Cory Bond takes a shamless selfie
Eli Hall pops in at his New York agency WilhelminaPin
Eli Hall pops in at his New York agency Wilhelmina
Brazilian model Francisco Lachowski hits the gymPin
Brazilian model Francisco Lachowski hits the gym
Garrett Neff proves to be the active athletePin
Garrett Neff proves to be the active athlete

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