PIN Prestige hones in on grunge style for a recent editorial starring Mannequin Singapore model Charles Markham. Stylist Wilson Lim pulls together a wardrobe of designer coats, denim, knitwear and more. Wearing brands such as Givenchy and Burberry Prorsum, Charles is photographed by Joel Low.
Related: Kurt Cobain | Grunge Style Icon
PIN Prestige Does Grunge Style

Portraits: Charles Markham by Gladys Ng & Caleb Han

Charles Markham links up with photographers Gladys Ng and Caleb Han for a round of stunning portraits. Groomed and styled by Raymond Chow, Charles wears a wardrobe that includes Topman, H&M, UNIQLO and COS.
Charles Markham Models Spring Fashions for August Man

Charles Markham also recently appeared in an editorial for August Man. Photographed by Chuck Reyes, Charles stars in an outdoors editorial. Wearing spring fashions from Prada, mixed with other luxury labels such as Bottega Veneta, Charles is styled by Chia Wei Choong.