Roen Spring 2009

The Fashionisto


Published July 8, 2008

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A collection for those of us who demand a little edge.  To be quite honest, I would love a leopard piece of it was toned down in some way…maybe a fade?

Pictures from Fashion Windows

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3 thoughts on “Roen Spring 2009”

  1. I love men’s fashion that has an edge to it. The leopard printed pieces look very vibrant, and if it were faded a bit, it would be chic. If they made a leopard printed tie, I would jump on that.

  2. I love men’s fashion that has an edge to it. The leopard printed pieces look very vibrant, and if it were faded a bit, it would be chic. If they made a leopard printed tie, I would jump on that.

  3. I love men’s fashion that has an edge to it. The leopard printed pieces look very vibrant, and if it were faded a bit, it would be chic. If they made a leopard printed tie, I would jump on that.

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