Details Magazine Comes to an End

The Fashionisto


Published November 18, 2015


Updated July 30, 2017

Brad Pitt covers Details' August 1992 issue.Pin
Brad Pitt covers Details’ August 1992 issue.

While it has been rumored that Details would shutter in recent years, The Wall Street Journal confirms that the magazine’s last issue will be it’s December/January issue. Details was founded in 1982 and acquired by Condé Nast in 1988. Attributed to declining advertising pages, the focus on Details will be shifted to GQ Style, which will transition from a biannual to a quarterly.

Eventually, will redirect to Condé Nast president Bob Sauerberg shares, “It’s been tough the last few months. Consumers love the magazine. It’s not fair or right.” Sauerberg suggests that about twenty percent of Details staffers will continue to work at other Condé Nast publications.

Tom Brady covers Details' September 2009 issue.Pin
Tom Brady covers Details’ September 2009 issue.
Norman Reedus covers the November 2015 issue of Details.Pin
Norman Reedus covers the November 2015 issue of Details.

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