Abiah Hostvedt for Out Model Citizen by Ryan Pfluger

The Fashionisto


Published September 17, 2010


Red model Abiah Hostvedt is Out magazine’s boy of the moment. The latest in their Model Citizen series, the leading Red star is photographed by Ryan Pfluger.


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3 thoughts on “Abiah Hostvedt for Out Model Citizen by Ryan Pfluger”

  1. This is just terrifying… What age is this kid? It feels like all kinds of wrong he also looks awkward and uncomfortable… I don’t know… I am confused as to the purpose of these photos I mean what are they going for? Is it supposed to be sexy or advertise the clothes? What exactly? It is hard to make someone with a child’s body look sexy male or female… This spread really puzzles me.. This is weird…
    Also he is seriously too skinny.

  2. Sorry (Harrisonford) but i think you are jealous of him and all many male models who is skinny. This model is very Handsome, Talented and Amazim(…). Male models very strong are so last decade, out!! And i’m skinny too and i love, the clothes be more chic in us very skinny. My dream is be a Super Male Model.

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