Alexander Beck | Year in Review 2011

The Fashionisto


Published December 20, 2011

Alexander Beck of FM was easily one of 2011's top newcomers.  From Prada runway gold to a campaign debut of no less than four appearances, this budding star quickly made a name for himself.Pin

Taking NotesAlexander Beck made quite the splash this year, beginning with an appearance for each of the four major fashion weeks – London, Milan, New York and Paris. From the runway of Prada and Louis Vuitton to Y-3, Alex made his presence known. In addition to catalogue work for Jitrois and ASOS, Alex made his campaign debut with Yves Saint Laurent, BlackBarrett by Neil Barrett, Wooyoungmi and Adidas SLVR happy to help the FM model out. Meanwhile, the editorial front provided work experience with Boo George, Dean Isidro, Emilio Tini and other industry talents.

Alexander Beck serves a side view for a Wonderland feature, lensed by Huw Gwyther.Pin
Emilio Tini photographs Alexander Beck for a colorful spread in L'Officiel Hommes Germany.Pin
Alexander Beck hits the runway for Prada's spring/summer 2012 collectionPin
Alexander Beck appears alongside Joey Regan in an editorial for BlackBook, lensed by Dean Isidro.Pin
Headed to the penthouse, Alexander Beck is photographed by Inez & Vinoodh for Yves Saint Laurent's fall 2011 campaign.Pin
Alexander Beck subscribes to the school of Yamamoto for Y-3's spring/summer 2012 showing.Pin
Clad in denim, Alexander Beck sits for wonder team Aline & Jacqueline Tappia, appearing in the pages of Italian GQPin
Alexander Beck fronts Jitrois' fall 2011 lookbook.Pin
Alexander Beck takes a casual note in the Japanese market, starring in BlackBarrett by Neil Barrett's fall 2011 campaign.Pin
Kacper Kasprzyk photographs Alexander Beck for Wooyoungmi's fall 2011 campaign.Pin
British retailer ASOS finds an easy fit in Alexander Beck for a look at their fall wears.Pin
On a roll working with the industry's top photographers, Alexander Beck is photographed by Willy Vanderperre for Adidas Slvr fall 2011 campaign.Pin

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