America’s Next Top Model Cycle 21 Episode 4 Recap: ‘The Guy Who Gets a Beard Weave’

The Fashionisto


Published September 9, 2014


The Illusion Shoot

For their latest photo shoot, America’s Next Top Model contestants connected with fashion photographer An Le for a shoot inspired by illusions. The big drama of the day went down between Yu Tsai and Denzel. Denzel was tasked with posing with a bike on top of him…not an easy task. To say he was having difficulty was understandable. Not too kind words about the difficulty he was having as a model were voiced by Tsai, resulting in Denzel storming off set. Luckily, he got a decent photo out of it. Meanwhile, Will had an amazing photo and Matthew made mention of what a beautiful model he was…more on this later.

Will gets a trim

Top Model Makeover Edition

Who’s ready for a makeover? One of our favorite moments finally arrived…the makeovers! There was nothing too dramatic this season, even though Chantelle decided to freak out before she even knew what her makeover was. The evening before their makeovers, the models received a gift box at their house that gave them instructions to look for miniature boxes that would have different makeovers. The model who found the box with shears would find out what their makeover would be…the others would have to wait until the next day. Denzel found the shears and found out about his ‘beard weave’. Meanwhile, Chantelle went upstairs and begin to get emotional about the possibility that they could ask her to cut her hair…WHAT? Let us quickly slip this gem in here. After doing an occult ritual outside by himself, we got a talking head from Romeo requesting materials for voodoo dolls-hello!

Fast forward to the next day and it was makeover time! Will got a nice trim and a fierce little pompadour. Raelia received a short curly weave. Mirjana got a bob cut inspired by Karlie Kloss. Kari went long and blond…think Donatella Versace and yes she cried and she had reason. Chantelle went long and razor sharp. Meanwhile Ben and Adam earned themselves buzz-cuts, very Chad White a la Steven Klein era. Keith received no makeover. Lenox was made a darker brunette, but she looks the same basically. Romeo went blond with gray contacts, while Shei went black and white a la blonde and brunette a la OMG they did her eyebrows too…ow!

Will-MatthewPinOh yeah, Matthew got a touch up too. Speaking of Matthew, editors really played him up being all touchy feely with Will and apparently they enjoyed a kiss off camera…all in the name of Will being beautiful. Just to clarify, Matthew is not gay or bisexual. We’re investing in this relationship and thinking of a ship name. We’ll get back to you next week.


Yay! New looks, think Sia and clap your hands. The models are happy with their new looks…Kari too!
OMG! We almost forgot this great scene. Let’s go back to earlier in the episode when Tyra and the contestants spit in a test tube so that can dig into their family tree. This will be for a future episode. Great!

Judging Time!

This is the 21st cycle of America’s Next Top Model. At this point, there is no excuse to have no neck in a photo, according to Tyra. And that was directed to Kari…OOPS! Let’s get on to the results. Everyone looked so chic in their black attire and then there was Keith in his suit. Tyra had to let him know, “Just because you didn’t need a makeover doesn’t mean you can wear whatever you want.” Ouch! Okay, now finally on to the results.


Despite the fact that we forgot he was there (sorry!), Ben won best photo, followed by Lenox for runner-up. Such a Susan Lucci moment, she was runner-up last week as well. Landing in the bottom were Kari and Chantelle. We were crossing our fingers that Kari didn’t go home. Going blonde and then getting the boot? That would be devastating! Lucky for her, Chantelle was axed and life goes on! Tune in next week for another photo shoot and more drama!


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