Baggu:Earth Friendly Grocery Bags

The Fashionisto


Published August 31, 2008

product 1 seelrgbeauty multi seelrg

Whew.  Saturday marked the last day of summer school I will ever attend.  One more quarter and I’m done with college.  I’ve started cleaning out my bookmarks, and I have SO MANY.  One of the websites I bookmarked was Baggu.  They are sturdy reusable bags to replace grocery plastic and paper bags.  They are perfect for the supermaket or holding your randoms.  I’ll be ordering a couple, but I still need to select a color.

PLASTIC BAGS & THE PLANET The average family brings home 1,000 bags every year. Most of those bags end up in land fills. That really adds up – 100 billion plastic bags are sent to landfill in the US each year.

In landfills, it can take up to 1000 years for a bag to decompose. Plastics don’t biodegrade, they photo-degrade, breaking down into tiny toxic pieces that contaminate soil and water or harm wildlife.

Every time you use your Baggu bag instead of plastic or paper you are doing something Good.


Pictures from Baggu

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