Bananas Spring/​​Summer 2013 Show Package

The Fashionisto


Published June 1, 2012


Bananas–Pillars of the runway, legends, it boys, the quirky personality…you name it and Bananas has it. The Paris-based modeling agency is gearing up for Paris Fashion Week spring/summer 2013 and no one stands in their path. On the icon front, they host the arresting personas of both Tony Ward and Andre Van Noord. Step into the arena of those boys you cannot have a runway show without and there is Nicolas Ripoll, Alexander Beck, Jakob Hybholt and Jacob Coupe, among others. Ask yourself what up and comers have buzz right now and Bananas has campaign favorite Simone Nobili and editorial darling Jake Shortall. Then coming up in the ranks, there are impeccable new faces Ysham Toof, William Jagnow and countless others ready to make a splash.

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