Baptiste Giabiconi by Karl Lagerfeld for Interview February 2011

The Fashionisto


Published January 27, 2011

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Not one to be bashful, Baptiste Giabiconi strips down once more for Interview magazine. Still the kaiser’s top muse, Baptiste poses in front of Karl Lagerfeld’s lense as a photographer himself. Accompanying the story, Interview finds out more about the model who inspires such great praises from Lagerfeld, “Giabiconi’s lean, athletic physique looks good in clothes–and even better out of them.” / Read more at Interview.

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9 thoughts on “Baptiste Giabiconi by Karl Lagerfeld for Interview February 2011”

  1. I just don’t get his appeal. He looks like a queeny Tyson Ballou without the personality or modeling ability.

  2. I think I agree with all of you guys about him.. Is he Karl’s muse? So he will do anything what Karl’s said? I saw him like shadow of Karl anywhere..

  3. I think I agree with all of you guys about him.. Is he Karl’s muse? So he will do anything what Karl’s said? I saw him like shadow of Karl anywhere..

  4. I think I agree with all of you guys about him.. Is he Karl’s muse? So he will do anything what Karl’s said? I saw him like shadow of Karl anywhere..

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