Borsalino Embraces Travel Through Self-discovery for Spring ’22 Campaign

The Fashionisto


Published February 24, 2022

Andrea Dal Corso Borsalino Campaign Spring 2022Pin
Andrea Dal Corso fronts Borsalino’s spring-summer 2022 campaign.

Borsalino introduces its new campaign, “Travel Through Self-discovery.” For the spring-summer 2022 season, the hat brand reunites with photographer Joseph Cardo. Borsalino draws inspiration from the idea of trips to Sicily, Japan, and South America for this season, which is jam-packed with adventure. Cardo collaborates with Borsalino creative curator Giacomo Santucci to create vibrant and vivid photographs that bring the entire world within reach due to a studio and cutting-edge technology.

Enrico Dal Buono Borsalino Campaign 2022Pin
Enrico Dal Buono stars in Borsalino’s spring-summer 2022 campaign.

Borsalino Spring/Summer 2022 Campaign

“The Borsalino campaign allowed me the freedom to experiment with new techniques and styles,” says Joseph Cardo of his experience. “For spring-summer 2022, we had fun recreating geographical settings that inspired the collection.” says the photographer.

As Cardo points out, “Imagination can take you everywhere! From my Barletta studio in Puglia, travel memories were brought to life using cinematic lights through the projected backdrops, resulting in a very satisfying, almost pictorial texture.”

Enrico Dal Buono, Angelica Ardasheva Grassano, Federica Lizzani, and Andrea Dal Corso come together as the stars of Borsalino's spring-summer 2022 campaign.Pin
Enrico Dal Buono, Angelica Ardasheva Grassano, Federica Lizzani, and Andrea Dal Corso come together as the stars of Borsalino’s spring-summer 2022 campaign.

Borsalino’s spring 2022 campaign is a visual record of people and places, with the ultimate assertion of individual expression belonging to the simple art of donning a hat as the campaign’s focal point.

In his own words, Giacomo Santucci explains, “The collection was inspired by the need to reconnect with ourselves.” The Borsalino creative curator continues, “Travel, even when it’s just the fruit of our imagination, always brings us closer to authenticity. The campaign imagery captures the Maison’s spirit in line with travel as part of the brand’s DNA, while continuing to dialogue with our communities.”

Anna Poletti Francesco Capaccioni Borsalino Campaign Spring 2022Pin
Couple Anna Poletti and Francesco Capaccioni appear in Borsalino’s spring-summer 2022 campaign.

Borsalino enlists influencers from the world of travel for the cast of its spring-summer 2022 campaign, with content creator Andrea Dal Corso, stylist Angelica Ardasheva, content creator Anna Poletti, journalist Enrico Dal Buono, private jet pilot Federica Lizzani, and content creator Francesco Capaccioni all taking center stage.

“In the studio there was beautiful energy between dynamic and sunny people,” recalls Dal Corso of the experience. “I’d define the brand’s initiative as ‘pure Italian elegance from the nose up’ with a strong communicative impact. The iconic hat is once again our favorite travel and adventure companion!”

Borsalino enlists Enrico Dal Buono, Angelica Ardasheva Grassano, and Federica Lizzani to star in its spring-summer 2022 campaign.Pin
Borsalino enlists Enrico Dal Buono, Angelica Ardasheva Grassano, and Federica Lizzani to star in its spring-summer 2022 campaign.

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