David Gandy Undergoes Corrective Eye Surgery



Published June 27, 2014


Updated February 28, 2019


Gandy + His Corrective Procedure–British model David Gandy has revealed to fans in a new Vogue blog post that he recently underwent Lasik corrective eye surgery to improve his sight. London-based surgeon Dr. David Allamby performed the procedure, which Gandy says has removed his need for glasses or Pure Optical contact lenses and given him pristine 20/10 vision. “What astonished me was how quick and completely painless the whole procedure was,” Gandy says in his blog. “It actually took nine minutes and 20 minutes later, I had 20/20 vision and the following morning I had 20/10 perfect vision. I’ve literally spent longer and more painful times at the dental hygienist.”

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