Dudley O’Shaughnessy, Alex Wolf & Igor Campos Medeiros by the LaRoache Brothers for F311


A Lesson in Structure–Rihanna’s current video co-star, Dudley O’Shaughnessy (Next London) appears in a serious new spread alongside Alex Wolf and Igor Campos Medeiros (Premier) for F311’s debut issue. Photographed by the LaRoache Brothers in London, the lot emerge from a dark world in sharp wears styled by Phillip Bush. / Hair by Suk Ram. Makeup by Sophie Higginson using Opi, Bobbi Brown.


Photo assistance by Majella Shepherd and Natalie Goldstein. Hair assistance by Lara Himpelmann. Style assistance by Scarlett Valentine. Makeup assistance by Amy Davies. Retouching by Luca Pisanu @ Factory311. Production by Nicholas Hardy and Samantha Kate Jourdan @ Factory311.

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