Henry Kitcher Dons Bottega Veneta for Interview Magazine

The Fashionisto


Published April 21, 2021


Updated February 7, 2023

Photos by Ewen Spencer
Styling by Mel Ottenberg
Henry Kitcher 2021 Interview Magazine Fashion Editorial 001Pin

For its latest issue, Interview magazine spotlights the new fashions of Bottega Veneta creative director Daniel Lee. The designer’s work is front and center, with a focus on the details. Creating a vision for the artisan’s brand, Lee reworks essentials for the Bottega Veneta man with an intelligent approach to the use of texture. From a must-have pair of trousers to an oversized cardigan, Interview rounds up Bottega Veneta menswear with a shoot lensed by photographer Ewen Spencer. Model Henry Kitcher takes up the role of leading man while Mel Ottenberg looks after styling for the occasion. Spencer captures Henry with a washed-out flair to mirror the conversation between Lee and American Psycho author Bret Easton Ellis.

Hair by Naoki Komiya
Makeup by Ciara O'Shea
Casting by Anita Bitton

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