Jegor Venned takes to the streets of New York for the July/August 2024 issue of GQ Portugal, captured by the lens of Yossi Michaeli. Against the gritty backdrop of the concrete jungle, Jegor embodies the latest men’s trends, serving up a fresh take on summer style.

Shorts are the star of the show, with Jegor rocking a range of leg-baring looks that prove the hemline is indeed rising. But don’t worry; there are still plenty of options for those who prefer a more modest approach—Jegor also sports shorts that hit just below the knee.

Stylist DaVian Lain masterminds Jegor’s wardrobe, mixing and matching to create a variety of shorts-centric outfits. Lain’s styling expertise is on full display, from the sleek, all-short suit by Louis Vuitton to the relaxed charm of Valentino’s denim shorts.

As the shorts narrative unfolds, it becomes clear that this essential piece can effortlessly transition from casual to dressy occasions. With Jegor as our guide, we see that shorts can be both laid-back and luxurious—and that’s their beauty.