In the photo studio for their newest fashion shot, Nacho Penín and Ondrej Mokoš cause a stir in the color green, which enjoys a moment in the spotlight. The models come together for a spring editorial in Glass Man. Nacho and Ondrej inspire in designer style as they embrace monochromatic dressing.

Kosmas Pavlos photographs Nacho and Ondrej for the pages of Glass Man. The story is appropriately titled “Viridescent.” Dressed in a range of green, Nacho and Ondrej share the spotlight as they strike dynamic poses before Pavlos’ camera lens.

Known for his creative and fashion-forward styling, Luke Day collaborates with Kosmas Pavlos for Glass Man. Day serves up charming green looks for Nacho and Ondrej. Day highlights exciting pieces from brands like Bottega Veneta, Gucci, and AMI, from clothing to accessories.