Digital sensation Noah Beck masquerades as a fashion plate once again. This time around, Noah is the center of attention for a cover story from Numéro Netherlands. Noah is featured in a cheeky editorial as he clocks in to begin his workday at the office.

Appearing in Numéro Netherlands, Noah Beck follows up a recent golf outing for BOSS and a Mother’s Day campaign for Coach earlier this year. For his latest fashion excursion, Noah appears before Tyler Patrick Kenny. The photographer focuses his camera lens on Noah, capturing him in a variety of color and black-and-white shots. Kenny turns up the lights to create a dramatic output of shadows.

Meanwhile, Trevor Boyd is in charge of giving Noah his quirky office look. Boyd outfits the influencer in a combination of tailoring and casual sportswear. The featured labels include brand names like Zegna, Michael Kors, and Alexander McQueen.