Men’s Fashion Editorials
Born To Be Blue
Publication: Contributing Editor Editorial: Born To Be Blue Photographer: David Roemer Model: Noah Mills View the rest of the set at Contributing Editor
The Hot New Sensation | Nicolas Figueras by Joe Lally
Editorial: The Hot New Sensation Magazine: We.Men Model: Nicolas Figueras Photographer: Joe Lally NOT SAFE FOR WORK
A Kind of Magic
Editorial: A Kind Of Magic Magazine: Hercules Models: Evandro Soldati Photographer: Doug Inglish
Dazed & Confused | Building Blocks by Ben Toms
Editorial: Building Blocks Magazine: Dazed and Confused Models: Alan, Charlie Westerberg, Edward, Tom, Harry Wakefield and Jono Photographer: Ben Toms
Celebrity Men's Style, Men's Fashion Editorials
Plaid: The Comeback Kid
Publication: The New York Times Editorial: Dress Code in Plaid Model: Will Lewis Photography: Dean Isidro Fashion Editor: David Coleman
I was dumped by Sbastien
Editorial: I was dumped by Sbastien Magazine: Freek Photographer: Sbastien Model: Riccardo Ulpts
Excellence In Action
Editorial: Excellence In Action Magazine: Hercules Issue #5 Models: Philip Bierbaum, Stas Svetlichnyy, Gustaf McMahon, Kristian Akergren, Viggo, Anton Photographer: Matthew Brookes
Sean O’ is Furious
Magazine: L’officiel Hommes China Editorial: Furious Photograper: Milan Vukmirovic Models: Sean Opry, Nils Butler, Niels Raabe, David Fair, Mihaly Sepreny Martins, Marlon Teixeira