Prince Nikolai of Denmark gets behind the wheel of a BMW for the August 2018 issue of Euroman. The 18-year-old royal turned model covers the magazine with an accompanying story by photographer Marco van Rijt. Prince Nikolai recently made a splash by opening Kim Jones’ debut show for Dior. Stealing the spotlight once more, Prince Nikolai stars in a fashion story. Stylist Frederik Lentz Andersen outfits Prince Nikolai for the occasion. Embracing fall, Andersen pulls together a wardrobe of luxury labels. Featured brands range from Louis Vuitton to Paul Smith.
Prince Nikolai of Denmark Covers Euroman, Dons Fall Fashions
Photos by Marco van Rijt
Styling by Frederik Lentz Andersen
Styling by Frederik Lentz Andersen
Grooming by Stine Rasmussen