El Burgués Visits Paris for Fall Campaign

Reuben Ramacher fronts El Burgués’ fall-winter 2016 campaign.

El Burgués heads abroad for its fall-winter 2016 campaign. Reuniting with photographer Nacho Ricci, the Argentinean label visits the French city of Paris. Looking to capture a timeless sense of youth, El Burgués finds inspiration in the words of Ernest Hemingway, who wrote, “If you’re lucky enough to have lived in Paris as a young man, then Paris is with you wherever you go, all the rest of your life.” Capturing Parisian locations that are outside the normal sightings, Ricci links up with Reuben Ramacher. The Australian model dons El Burgués’ latest collection that includes a mix of extra fine wool sweaters, slim-cut denim jeans, patterned shirts, tailored jackets and outerwear.

El Burgués Fall/Winter 2016 Campaign

Reuben Ramacher wears an exclusive patterned shirt from El Burgués’ fall-winter 2016 collection.
Reuben Ramacher captured in Paris for El Burgués’ fall-winter 2016 campaign.
Reuben Ramacher dons a leather biker jacket for El Burgués’ fall-winter 2016 campaign.
Reuben Ramacher photographed by Nacho Ricci for El Burgués’ fall-winter 2016 campaign.