Eton Shares a Special Evening with Friends

The Fashionisto


Published December 13, 2022


Updated February 1, 2023

Philip Lach de Bère, Staffan Lindström, Alberto Perazzolo, Richard Biedul, and Sacha M'Baye appear in Eton's holiday 2022 campaign.Pin
Philip Lach de Bère, Staffan Lindström, Alberto Perazzolo, Richard Biedul, and Sacha M’Baye appear in Eton’s holiday 2022 campaign. Photo: Niklas Nyman / Eton

For its 2022 holiday campaign, Eton honors shared memories and occasions. Eton’s iconic shirts embody these moments as captured in the brand’s new advertisement, which portrays an elegant evening among friends. 

Richard Biedul dons a striped shirt for Eton's holiday 2022 campaign.Pin
Richard Biedul dons a striped shirt for Eton’s holiday 2022 campaign. Photo: Niklas Nyman / Eton

Dressing up in your best attire for a night spent with the people you hold dear is a fantastic way to show appreciation and anticipation of all the beautiful moments yet to come. With Eton, you can take every moment and make it even more special, as seen in the campaign.

Sacha M'Baye wears a sharp tuxedo shirt for Eton's holiday 2022 campaign.Pin
Sacha M’Baye wears a sharp tuxedo shirt with Swarovski crystals for Eton’s holiday 2022 campaign. Photo: Niklas Nyman / Eton

Eton has chosen a distinguished group of familiar faces to star in its holiday 2022 campaign. The elegant evening includes Philip Lach de BèreStaffan LindströmAlberto PerazzoloRichard BiedulSacha M’Baye, and Paul Binam, making it an occasion to remember!

The stars of Eton's holiday 2022 campaign, Richard Biedul and Paul Binam share a moment.Pin
The stars of Eton’s holiday 2022 campaign, Richard Biedul and Paul Binam, share a moment. Photo: Niklas Nyman / Eton

From Eton’s geometric print silk twill shirt to its grandiose white piqué tuxedo shirt with Swarovski crystals, the models flaunt the ultimate styles in their best form. Furthermore, Eton provides the perfect accent to any sophisticated look with its elegant collection of ties and bowties.

Alberto Perazzolo and Staffan Lindström front Eton's holiday 2022 campaign.Pin
Alberto Perazzolo and Staffan Lindström front Eton’s holiday 2022 campaign. Photo: Niklas Nyman / Eton

Photographer Niklas Nyman brings dazzling glamour to Eton’s 2022 holiday campaign with his eye-catching, high-contrast photographs and bright flashes. Perfectly posed and coiffed, Eton’s models convey a sense of confidence, sophistication, and modernism as they make their way through the evening.

Paul Binam and Philip Lach de Bère star in Eton's holiday 2022 campaign.Pin
Paul Binam and Philip Lach de Bère star in Eton’s holiday 2022 campaign. Photo: Niklas Nyman / Eton

With Eton’s holiday 2022 campaign, the brand celebrates shared memories with friends. The elegant pictures remind us to take time for those special moments that create lasting bonds among loved ones. So, this holiday season, make memories with the people who matter most and celebrate your accomplishments and dreams.

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