Dissimulation: Frederik Muka by Marianna Tomanova

Fashionisto Exclusive: Frederik Muka photographed by Marianna TomanovaPin
Fashionisto Exclusive: Frederik Muka photographed by Marianna Tomanova

Enjoying a military style moment, Frederik Muka (Exit Model Management) returns to our pages with an exclusive photographed by Marianna Tomanova. Posing for a striking mix of images captured indoors and outside, Frederik is styled by Dominika Svetikova. Sporting earthy neutrals and camouflage prints, Frederik dons a wardrobe that features brands such as Zara, Buffet Clothing and ALDO. / Hair by Alena Zahorska.

Frederik wears shawl neck jacket and camouflage pants Buffet Clothing.Pin
Frederik wears shawl neck jacket and camouflage pants Buffet Clothing.

Frederik wears hooded pullover and pants Zara.Pin
Frederik wears hooded pullover and pants Zara.
Frederik wears jumpsuit Zara and boots ALDO.Pin
Frederik wears jumpsuit Zara and boots ALDO.
Frederik wears shirt Zara, boots Diesel, pants and camouflage vest Buffet Clothing.Pin
Frederik wears shirt Zara, boots Diesel, pants and camouflage vest Buffet Clothing.
Frederik wears shawl neck jacket and camouflage pants Buffet Clothing.Pin
Frederik wears shawl neck jacket and camouflage pants Buffet Clothing.