Exclusive: On the Floor by Hudson Rennan

The Fashionisto


Published May 5, 2016


Updated April 17, 2018

Fashionisto Exclusive: On the Floor by Hudson RennanPin
Fashionisto Exclusive: On the Floor by Hudson Rennan

Fashion photographer Hudson Rennan unveils a new exclusive series featuring the models of São Paulo Fashion Week. After a number of well-received outings, Rennan took his latest project to the floor with a cool round of portraits. Not to be missed during fashion week, Brazilian models featured include Jonathan Bellini, Ale Pierozan and Bruce Machado.

Ale PierozanPin
Ale Pierozan

Allan HerickPin
Allan Herick
Ariel RosaPin
Ariel Rosa
Bruce MachadoPin
Bruce Machado
Caian ZattarPin
Caian Zattar
Efraim SchroderPin
Efraim Schroder
Gabriel Comieri Pin
Gabriel Comieri
Gabriel SimnelPin
Gabriel Simnel

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Pages: 1 2 3

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