New Heat: Noah Boling by Brent Chua

The Fashionisto


Published May 30, 2017

Fashionisto Exclusive: Noah Boling photographed by Brent ChuaPin
Fashionisto Exclusive: Noah Boling photographed by Brent Chua

Noah Boling is one of the newest faces from DNA Models. Hailing from Knoxville, Tennessee, the 20-year-old connects with New York-based photographer, Brent Chua. Taking to a Manhattan roof, Noah shows off his best angles. The American model sports a wardrobe of indie designers as he poses for Chua’s lens. Taylor Freeman styles Noah in a lineup of Joey Samson, Kenneth Ning, and more. / Grooming by Mari Matsumoto.

Noah wears coat Kenneth Ning, pants Joey Samson, ring Bernard James, socks and shoes Dr Martens.Pin
Noah wears coat Kenneth Ning, pants Joey Samson, ring Bernard James, socks and shoes Dr Martens.

Left: Noah wears coat Kenneth Ning, shoes Dr Martens, joggers and trousers Joey Samson. Right: Noah sports coat Kenneth Ning.Pin
Left: Noah wears coat Kenneth Ning, shoes Dr Martens, joggers and trousers Joey Samson. Right: Noah sports coat Kenneth Ning.
Left: Noah wears sheer top Joey Samson. Right: Noah sports pants Joey Samson, shoes Dr Martens and underwear model's own.Pin
Left: Noah wears sheer top Joey Samson. Right: Noah sports pants Joey Samson, shoes Dr Martens and underwear model’s own.
Left: Noah wears coat Kenneth Ning, pants Joey Samson, and ring Bernard James. Right: Noah sports coat Kenneth Ning, joggers and trousers Joey Samson, bracelet and ring Bernard James.Pin
Left: Noah wears coat Kenneth Ning, pants Joey Samson, and ring Bernard James. Right: Noah sports coat Kenneth Ning, joggers and trousers Joey Samson, bracelet and ring Bernard James.
Noah wears leather jacket Kenneth Ning, sheer top and pants Joey Samson, socks and shoes Dr Martens.Pin
Noah wears leather jacket Kenneth Ning, sheer top and pants Joey Samson, socks and shoes Dr Martens.
Left: Noah wears pants American Archives. Right: Noah wears silk shirt Atsuko Vage, pants Joey Samson, and shoes Dr Martens.Pin
Left: Noah wears pants American Archives. Right: Noah wears silk shirt Atsuko Vage, pants Joey Samson, and shoes Dr Martens.
Noah wears coat Kenneth Ning.Pin
Noah wears coat Kenneth Ning.

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