Exclusive: Filip Ters in ‘Around the Block’ by Reexon Escobar

The Fashionisto


Published August 10, 2015

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Filip wears t-shirt Replay and vest Zara.

Photographer Reexon Escobar and stylist Joanna Sambrano gear up for fall with a new shoot featuring Filip Ters (Models Division). Taking on essential casual style, Sambrano outfits Filip in choice pieces from brands that include Mango, Pepe Jeans, Levi’s and H&M. / Grooming by Margie Montero. Photo assistance by Alejandro Perales.

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Filip wears shirt Pepe Jeans.

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Filip wears hooded sweatshirt Adidas, blazer Mango and jeans Levi’s.
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Filip wears sweater Mango and trench Zara.
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Filip wears joggers Adidas, trench Zara, t-shirt and boxers H&M.
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Filip wears shirt Sfera, sweater Adidas, trench Zara, trousers Mango and boots Dr Martens.
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Filip wears all clothes Mango.

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