Exclusive: Introducing Alexander Brinitzer by Arnaldo Anaya-Lucca

The Fashionisto


Published June 4, 2015

Marilyn Hommes model Alexander Brinitzer photographed by Arnaldo Anaya-Lucca.Pin
Marilyn Hommes model Alexander Brinitzer photographed by Arnaldo Anaya-Lucca.

Known for his work with Ralph Lauren, photographer Arnaldo Anaya-Lucca steals a moment to link up with Marilyn Homme fresh face Alexander Brinitzer. Shot in the streets of Paris, the American model poses for casual black & white images.

American Abroad: 16 years-old, Alexander was born in New York City, but his parents, who are both Americans moved the family to Paris when he was two.Pin
American Abroad: 16 years-old, Alexander was born in New York City, but his parents, who are both Americans moved the family to Paris when he was two.

How were you discovered?

I was first scouted in Paris at an Eminem concert when I was 14, and I signed with MGM 2 years later when my parents finally let me try modeling. I would say that the photographer Arnaldo Anaya was the one who kind of discovered me a couple months ago.

Did the possibility of becoming a model ever cross your mind before now?

Yes and no. Before I was scouted, I didn’t think of modeling at all. My dream was to become a professional swimmer actually. Once I was scouted, I started thinking about it, but I didn’t do anything much about it until I signed with Marilyn.

Discussing his heritage, Alexander shares, "My mom is half Japanese and my dad is half German."Pin
Discussing his heritage, Alexander shares, “My mom is half Japanese and my dad is half German.”

What is your relationship with magazines?

I’ve always loved reading magazines! But I was interested in different ones than I am now. I used to focus on sports and cars, and now I read magazines such as Vogue Homme, Men’s Fitness, etc… Fashion magazines help me study the industry, and I also love looking at the photography. I would love to be on a cover one day. That would be amazing! My dad also encourages me to read The Economist.

What are your hobbies?

I’ve been a competitive swimmer since I was 6. So I train a lot! I also skateboard, and see friends (when I have time ) – regular teenager stuff. I love to surf when I’m in a good surfing spot. I’m going to Bali this summer by the way! I’m also into photography.

All smiles, modeling is a new experience for Alexander, who was signed about 5 months ago.Pin
All smiles, modeling is a new experience for Alexander, who was signed about 5 months ago.

Recent music…what 5 artists instantly pop into your head?

Hozier, Moby, Drake, David Bowie, Kanye West. Very different artists I know!

Think fashion week, what are the first five words that come to mind?

Excitement, patience, joy, social, awesome!

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