Exclusive: Sebastian Sauve by Tom Mitchell

The Fashionisto


Published September 24, 2015

Still of Sebastian Sauve by Tom Mitchell

Premier model Sebastian Sauve finds time in his busy schedule for a casual video project with Tom Mitchell and a new Q&A. Always charming, Sebastian’s responses include nothing to be expected. Happy reading!

What’s new in the world of Sebastian?
Somethings new everyday 😉

How do you think modeling has changed since you started?
Everyone’s getting younger…or am I getting older?

What is the farthest location your have traveled to for a job?
Bali, Dubai or Manila

Where are you currently based?
In a suitcase. NYC this month though.


Favorite job so far?
Too tough to say.

Tips for the man who hates to travel?
Travel more. Get used to it. ‘Times is changing’


Five favorite songs?
Cucarachas enojadas, sound of silence, crossroads, gimme some lovin’

Where do you see yourself in five years?
4 years older (I age slowly). No idea, but still on the rise if I can help it.

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