Catching Up with Harry Goodwins

The Fashionisto


Published October 18, 2017

Photos by Arnaldo Anaya-Lucca

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Our latest exclusive connects us with Harry Goodwins (@HarryGoodwins). This year marks ten years in the modeling industry for Harry. The British model launched his career at the age of sixteen and has since worked with a who’s who of fashion brands and creatives. Harry’s decade of work includes work on and off the runway, whether it was a Prada campaign, Missoni show, or VMAN editorial.

Fast forward to the present and photographer Arnaldo Anaya-Lucca connects with the blond model. Harry’s ready for a photo update as he sets his sights on a new season in New York with Soul Artist Management. Appearing in a relaxed series of images, Harry links up with Anaya-Lucca on his home turf of London. We also find out what Harry is up to with a brief Q&A.

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What are your favorite modeling jobs?

One of my favorite projects to date would have to be shooting for Prada. That was epic and still is as it opened the gateway to my career. I’ve also had the privilege of shooting with legends such as Bruce Weber and David Sims. Another shoot that springs to mind for different reasons is when I shot in the Cook Islands with Rodd & Gunn. That was amazing as I probably would never have got to see that part of the world if it wasn’t for that shoot. And this shoot was pretty sick too! as I love shooting with Arnaldo and it was pretty much on my doorstep in Shoreditch, London.

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What inspires you to model after all these years?

What drives me to continue to modeling is exactly that…all the amazing places around the world I get to see and the people I get to meet.

How has modeling changed since you started?

Modeling has changed a fair bit since I started. For starters, there isn’t as much print work or editorial as there used to be as everything is going digital. And there’s a hell of a lot more model “influencers”. It’s not just about whether your look is right for the brand these days, but also how big your social media following is.

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Are you a fan of social media?

Personally, I’m not a fan of social media. I think people waste far too much of their lives with it. However, there are pressures to use it in this industry as you need to stay relevant and that’s the way its going.

What are you doing outside of modeling?

Outside of modeling, I am currently studying to be a qualified electrician and also taking acting lessons, as it’s always something I’ve wanted to do. I am going to try and pursue it. I think there is a bit more to me than just being a professional clothes horse ha.

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