Fàbio Coentrão Channels 50s Style with Pompadour Hairstyle

The Fashionisto


Published May 23, 2015


Updated January 17, 2024

Fàbio Coentrão channels 50s style with new portraitsPin
Fàbio Coentrão channels 50s style with new portraits

Fàbio Coentrão channels Old Hollywood with a 1950s-inspired portrait series called, ‘Hollywood Me.’ With a pompadour hairstyle and wearing a leather jacket, the Portuguese model brings to mind James Dean in ‘Rebel Without a Cause’ for the Andy Dyo snapped images.

Fabio wears a pompadour hairstyle in the shootPin
Fabio wears a pompadour hairstyle in the shoot
In a white tee and leather jacket, the male model evokes James DeanPin
In a white tee and leather jacket, the male model evokes James Dean
Fabio goes Hollywood in the studio imagesPin
Fabio goes Hollywood in the studio images
Andy Dyo captured Fabio for the photo shootPin
Andy Dyo captured Fabio for the photo shoot

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