Ford Europe Fall/Winter 2012 Show Package

The Fashionisto


Published December 16, 2011


Ford Europe–Favorites are anything but easy when it comes to Ford Europe’s star packed roster. Delivering a lineup of boys with quite the number of shows under their belt–Adrien Sahores, Robin Ahrens, Aiden Andrews and Bastiaan Van Gaalen are among an impressive list after walking more than seventy shows combined last January. Each also booking their fair share of campaigns and editorials the past year, the boys are quite representative of Ford’s excellent caliber. Popular on the runway and enjoying great relationships with labels, Victor Nylander stands out as a Dior Homme favorite while Gucci campaign star Anthon Wellsjo is never missed on the catwalk. From Linus Gustin and Lowell Tautchin to James Smith, Ford’s ranks continue as a who’s who in modeling–the ones to watch.

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