Francisco Lachowski by Marley Kate for Vanity Teen

The Fashionisto


Published July 13, 2010

Grooming: Erin Green

Pages: 1 2

Pages: 1 2

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18 thoughts on “Francisco Lachowski by Marley Kate for Vanity Teen”

  1. I believe they're by General Idea (they've been used in at least one other editorial that I've seen recently), but I haven't a clue where to purchase them. They used to sell the brand at OAK NYC, apparently, but I didn't see anything by them at the site. Thoughts?

  2. I believe they're by General Idea (they've been used in at least one other editorial that I've seen recently), but I haven't a clue where to purchase them. They used to sell the brand at OAK NYC, apparently, but I didn't see anything by them at the site. Thoughts?

  3. definitely over this photo style. every art school kid thinks they're talented now cause of terry richardson.

  4. definitely over this photo style. every art school kid thinks they're talented now cause of terry richardson.

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