François Arnaud stars in a new feature for Interview magazine. Easton & Rosso photograph Arnaud with help in the style department by Joshua Liebman. Connecting with Interview, Arnaud talks about his show, Midnight, Texas. Discussing his role, Arnaud shares, “I play a medium actually. There’s a bit of a difference. He has psychic powers, but mediums talk to the dead. They have access to spirits in the other world. But he won’t read you or tell you your future.”
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Arnaud discusses his research going into the role. He recalls, “I met a few psychics in Albuquerque, but my favorite one was Psychic Ana. I was too scared to have her give me a reading. I’m a completely skeptical atheist—I don’t believe in the supernatural—and yet, I don’t really want it to get too close to me. So it was a fun role because I had to see it from a completely different perspective.”
The 32-year-old Canadian actor continues, “I tried to really give Ana the benefit of the doubt, and I don’t know if I believe that she sees what she sees or reads what she reads, but I wholeheartedly believe that she believes it, and that she’s not performing a scam voluntarily. My point of view is that she might just be a hyper-intuitive person who connects with people.” Read more on InterviewMagazine.com.
François Arnaud Interview Photo Shoot