Gap – Wear Your Vote

The Fashionisto


Published October 20, 2008


Updated March 30, 2015


“Vote for” is Gap’s new campaign initiative. Available at Gap stores and online beginning this Thursday, October 23, you can purchase a “Vote for _________” t-shirt for $15. The line is left for you to customize with “whatever word, expression or presidential candidate [you] are passionate about. Also, next week, “vote for” buttons designed by various artists will be available for $5. The same week will also mark the launch of Gap’s concept store on 5th Avenue in New York City. The site houses a special machine to customize “Vote for __________” tees. In addition, nationwide, Gap’s store windows will showcase various “Vote for ________” tees.

How Americans Can Participate in “Vote for”:

Hear what Thought Leaders and Celebs Vote for at

To get voters thinking about what they “Vote for,” Gap enlisted the help of 10 personalities and thought-leaders to create their own ‘Vote for” videos at Participants include Bill Maher, Norman Lear, Cameron Sinclair, Perez Hilton, Mark Cuban, Olivia Munn, Kristen Bell, The Cool Kids, John Picard and Minka Kelly who “Vote for” a range of passions from “Imagining New Energy” to “BBQ.” Voters can embed their favorite videos on personal blogs and other websites.

“Songs Of Freedom” by Matt White:

Singer/songwriter Matt White designed his own “Vote for Love.” t-shirt, inspired by his single “Love” off his debut album ‘Best Days,’ which he wore throughout his summer tour and in his new music video, “Love.” Motivated by his t-shirt and the “Vote for” campaign, Matt collaborated with Gap on a song called “Songs Of Freedom,” which is all about expressing yourself. The song, inspired by people in the past who have put a stake in the ground by saying things that incite thought and conversation, can be heard in Gap stores nationwide, on,, and is available on iTunes. Fans can view behind-the-scenes footage of Matt White writing and recording “Songs Of Freedom” at

Visit Facebook to Voice Your Passions with Flair and Join Gap’s Fan Page:

To show friends what you stand for, Gap has created 300 unique Facebook “Vote for” buttons that can be added to your profile or sent to friends. Facebookers can access the gallery of buttons at, Facebook’s Pieces of Flair application or Gap’s Facebook Fan Page. Additionally, people can join Gap’s Facebook Fan Page where they can catch exclusive behind-the- scenes footage from the celebrity “Vote for” shoots, hear about upcoming Matt White events and receive a special promotional offer for 15 percent off any purchase at Gap.

Purchase Exclusive Artist Buttons:

Gap has enlisted 10 renowned artists including Fab5Freddy, John Baldessari, Adam Pendleton, Kara Walker, Nate Lowman, John Waters, Deborah Kass, Assume Vivid Astro Focus, Laurie Simmons and Sean Landers to express themselves by designing a limited edition “Vote for” button. Beginning Oct. 23, customers can purchase the limited edition buttons in select stores nationwide for $5 each with $1 from every purchase donated to Declare Yourself. Starting Oct. 23, Gap will be auctioning off an exclusive set of the 10 limited edition buttons autographed by the artists on eBay. All proceeds from the auction will benefit Declare Yourself.

Visit the Gap Concept Store on NYC’s 5th Avenue:

From Oct. 24 through Nov. 4, Gap’s New York City concept store, next to its flagship store at 54th & 5th Ave, will give Americans a chance to express themselves in a voting booth of a different kind. Visitors to the store can purchase and create their own personalized “Vote for” t-shirt with Gap’s whimsical t-shirt generator. After casting their vote on how to fill in the blank including color choice, font and “campaign theme song,” guests can watch as their blank “Vote for” t-shirt enters the generator and undergoes a self-expression makeover by a series of robots with their campaign theme song blasting in the background. Additionally, “Vote for” t-shirts inspired by the thought leaders and celebrities featured on, including Bill Maher, Norman Lear, Cameron Sinclair, Perez Hilton, Mark Cuban, Olivia Munn, Kristen Bell, The Cool Kids, John Picard and Minka Kelly will be on display.

Image from Gap

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