Men’s Grooming
The men’s grooming industry is rapidly escalating, and there are several reasons for this. Men have become more conscious of their vanity—from hair care to beard products, the range of options available today is unprecedented. Not only that, but skincare has also come into focus with many choices tailored to male skin concerns. What is the latest trend in modern men’s grooming? Makeup! Brands like Tom Ford offer beauty solutions designed exclusively for men who want flawless-looking complexions in each selfie they take. There’s an array of things to consider regarding modern-day male pampering!

Let’s Talk Makeup: GQ Explores Male Makeup for the Modern Man
Makeup for Men–With the beauty industry looking to tap into the male market with makeup products such as bronzer and concealer, GQ offers up a funny piece on the subject.

Fashion Videos, Men's Grooming
Clinique for Men Grooming Guide
Grooming Guide–Celebrating new products, Clinique for Men rolls out a new video grooming guide, highlighting products, ranging from its face wash and post-shave soother to moisturizing lotion.