How Can Hair Oil Help with Repairing Damaged Hair?



Published April 4, 2023

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No one out there will agree that experiencing hair damage is pleasant. But, of course, everyone wants to avoid dry, brittle strands that split and break off. It doesn’t matter what type of hair you have, the color, or your haircut. Sadly, most things we do to our hair daily cause these problems. Hair oil is one great way to combat dry and brittle hair.

Read on as we look at the cause of hair damage, including improper washing, aggressive brushing, heat-styling, sun damage, etc. Some of these can be damaging, even though they may not appear so harmful initially. That’s why it is essential to be as careful as possible when you want to care for it.

What exactly does this mean? Well, there are multiple answers to this question. Find out tips on adequately using hair oil to improve your damaged locks.

What Does Dry Hair Mean?

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Even though you will hear about dry hair often, we would like to say that “dry” hair doesn’t exist. People use this term to describe damaged hair; the strands are not thirsty or dry. Instead, they are damaged and in need of repair.

To understand what damaged hair means, knowing what hair is and how it works is crucial. Most strands comprise three different layers. We are talking about the medulla, the inner fiber, the cortex, the middle layers, and finally, the cuticle, the outer layer. 

When the hair is damaged, the cuticle will rise and become fragile. It is a sign that clearly shows your hair is damaged. Another sign is that your hair is becoming much less elastic, making it much more prone to breakage and splitting. Splitting ends are almost impossible to repair.

How Can You Help Your Hair?

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Photo: Shutterstock

One of the ways you can help your hair recover from these issues is to use hydrolyzed protein. Of course, we are discussing a substance found in foods like gelatin. But this is not the only one; you can find it in practically any food rich in amino acids.

You need to understand that it is impossible to fix your hair immediately. Instead, you should embrace the patient approach and do it gradually. Another way to resolve the issue of dry hair is to add some moisture. How can you do that? An excellent example of that is the use of hair oil. 

Naturally, that doesn’t mean you can use just any oil on the market. Instead, you should know your hair type, and by doing that, you can choose the best oil for your hair. Of course, it is vital to conduct thorough research before deciding.

How Do Different Oils Help Hair?

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If you take a look at the market, you will see that there are many options for you to consider. As we’ve said, you should know your hair type before you buy. At the same time, we want to point out that different oils react differently with hair. For that reason, we would like to go through a couple of options you might come across and provide you with helpful info about each.

Olive Oil

Olive oil contains vitamins mostly A, D, and E, and all these three help your hair from the inside out. Furthermore, olive oil is filled with antioxidants to help your hair become more elastic. Therefore, they will help with the prevention of any future damage.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has become quite popular in the last couple of years. We can see that it is rich in capric, lauric, and caprylic acids. All these are well-known as beneficial nutrients that will provide much-needed moisture to the scalp and prevent it from drying out. It is helpful for individuals who live in tropical climates where heat exposure causes such damage.

Avocado Oil

Avocado oil is rich in fatty acids, which also help the hydration of the scalp. However, it helps by conditioning instead of coating, as many others do. For that reason, you will see that this is a perfect choice for curly hair.

Jojoba Oil

Finally, jojoba oil helps with its anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, it helps when individuals experience problems such as irritation and redness of the scalp. Not only that, but you can also see that jojoba oil stimulates growth.

Final Words on Hair Oil for Damaged Hair

Using hair oil can be highly beneficial for those looking to combat hair damage and improve the overall health and appearance of their hair. By nourishing and protecting the hair strands, hair oil can help to prevent dryness, brittleness, and split ends. With the relevant information and insights provided, we are confident that you will find using oils a helpful addition to your hair care routine.

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