Hugh Jackman, Jeremy Irvine, Matthew McConaughey + More Wear Dolce & Gabbana

The Fashionisto


Published September 8, 2013


Updated January 9, 2015

Hugh JackmanPin
Hugh Jackman

Stars in Dolce & Gabbana-Stars are in Canada for the 2013 Toronto International Film Festival and Italian label Dolce & Gabbana helped them look their best. From Hugh Jackman and Jeremy Irvine to Matthew McConaughey, Dolce & Gabbana brought out the tailored staples with fine suiting for an elegant red carpet. Not to be out-shined, casual garments also came in handy as seen with Irvine and his press portrait session.

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Benedict Cumberbatch

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Jason Bateman
Jeremy IrvinePin
Jeremy Irvine
Jeremy IrvinePin
Jeremy Irvine
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Josh Brolin
Matthew McConaugheyPin
Matthew McConaughey

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