Instagram Photos of the Week: Alex Lundqvist, Sebastian Sauve + More

The Fashionisto


Published August 22, 2014

Alex Lundqvist shares a scenic view.Pin
Alex Lundqvist shares a scenic view.

Andre Feulner shares a close up.Pin
Andre Feulner shares a close up.

Tomas Skoloudik takes a mirror selfie.Pin
Tomas Skoloudik takes a mirror selfie.
River Viiperi shows off his moto look.Pin
River Viiperi shows off his moto look.
Ben Allen takes the selfie to a close level.Pin
Ben Allen takes the selfie to a close level.
Sebastian Sauve celebrates his birthday.Pin
Sebastian Sauve celebrates his birthday.
Leebo Freeman shares an edgy image.Pin
Leebo Freeman shares an edgy image.
Juan Betancourt poses for a silly image.Pin
Juan Betancourt poses for a silly image.
Josh Beech cozies up to man's best friend.Pin
Josh Beech cozies up to man’s best friend.

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