Instagram Photos of the Week: Baptiste Giabiconi, Jarrod Scott, Elvis Jankus + More

The Fashionisto


Published April 4, 2014

Elvis JankusPin
Elvis Jankus celebrates renaming his Instagram

Garrett Neff + Albert ReedPin
Garrett Neff and Albert Reed look productive at the IMG office

Lyle LodwickPin
Lyle Lodwick tries out a traditional selfie
Adrian CardosoPin
Adrian Cardoso poses with his skateboard
Baptiste Giabiconi poses with Cara Delevingne behind the scenes of a shoot
William JagnowPin
William Jagnow stops by his New York agency Wilhelmina
Jack VanderhartPin
Jack Vanderhart shows why great friends are great.
Gordon BothePin
Gordon Bothe behind the scenes of a shoot
Tyler Rix shows off a new tattoo for April 1st *winkPin
Tyler Rix shows off a new tattoo for April 1st *wink
Jarrod ScottPin
Just in case you didn’t know, Jarrod Scott is Australian and that would be a giant Nutella
Alexander JohanssonPin
Alexander Johansson is in model mode

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