Instagram Photos of the Week: Dorian Reeves, Tyson Beckford, Edward Wilding + More

The Fashionisto


Published July 11, 2014

Dorian Reeves shares a comfortable evening.Pin
Dorian Reeves shares a comfortable evening.

Andre Feulner relaxes poolside.Pin
Andre Feulner relaxes poolside.

Duncan Pyke unveils a behind the scenes image.Pin
Duncan Pyke unveils a behind the scenes image.
Edward Wilding gets a side trim.Pin
Edward Wilding gets a side trim.
Emilio Flores takes in a nice summer day.Pin
Emilio Flores takes in a nice summer day.
Evandro Soldati shares a morning selfie!Pin
Evandro Soldati shares a morning selfie!
James Smith and Linus Gustin stop by their Milan agency Fashion.Pin
James Smith and Linus Gustin stop by their Milan agency Fashion.
Justin Hopwood gets a nice tree hug in.Pin
Justin Hopwood gets a nice tree hug in.
River Viiperi has a Breaking Bad moment.Pin
River Viiperi has a Breaking Bad moment.
Roberto Bolle is set for the beach.Pin
Roberto Bolle is set for the beach.
Thorben Gartner before a shoot with Carlo Pignatelli.Pin
Thorben Gartner before a shoot with Carlo Pignatelli.
Tyson Beckford stretches for the ultimate workout.Pin
Tyson Beckford stretches for the ultimate workout.

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