Instagram Photos of the Week: Max Rogers, Harvey Haydon + More

Max Rogers is all about his floral print t-shirt.Pin
Max Rogers is all about his floral print t-shirt.

Elbio Bonsaglio is having a great hair day.Pin
Elbio Bonsaglio is having a great hair day.

Harvey Haydon shows off a beach ready look - no shirt!Pin
Harvey Haydon shows off a beach ready look – no shirt!
Linus Gustin shows his most pleasant angle.Pin
Linus Gustin shows his most pleasant angle.
Jacob Morton jumps out of a plane.Pin
Jacob Morton jumps out of a plane.
Alexey Galetskiy takes an extra moment to relax in bed.Pin
Alexey Galetskiy takes an extra moment to relax in bed.
Not to be outdone, Andrea Preti stretches while lounging in bed.Pin
Not to be outdone, Andrea Preti stretches while lounging in bed.
Xavier Serrano is feeling a little shy.Pin
Xavier Serrano is feeling a little shy.
Stefanos Milatos captures his work at the gym.Pin
Stefanos Milatos captures his work at the gym.

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