Instagram Photos of the Week: Models Celebrate Halloween

The Fashionisto


Published October 31, 2014

Tobias Sorensen is panda chic.Pin
Tobias Sorensen is panda chic.
Models Tommy Marr and Matthew Holt prepare to celebrate Halloween together.Pin
Models Tommy Marr and Matthew Holt prepare to celebrate Halloween together.
Bart Grzybowski is a fright but in great spirits.Pin
Bart Grzybowski is a fright but in great spirits.
Miles Garber and friend Bobby Long are a drag.Pin
Miles Garber and friend Bobby Long are a drag.
Jessey Stevens puts on his best face.Pin
Jessey Stevens puts on his best face.
Leo Bruno changes costumes.Pin
Leo Bruno changes costumes.
Max Emerson has a deal to make.Pin
Max Emerson has a deal to make.
Max Papendieck is American for the day.Pin
Max Papendieck is American for the day.
Stefanos Milatos is a dapper fright.Pin
Stefanos Milatos is a dapper fright.
Tomas Guarracino, Mariano Ontanon and Lucho Jacob celebrate Halloween.Pin
Tomas Guarracino, Mariano Ontanon and Lucho Jacob celebrate Halloween.

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