Instagram Photos of the Week | Sean O’Pry, Garrett Neff, Zac Stenmark + More

The Fashionisto


Published January 3, 2014

Andre FeulnerPin
Andre Feulner and Victor Norlander escape the winter snow for a warm moment indoors.

Victor NorlanderPin
Victor Norlander bundles up for winter fun.

Steven ChevrinPin
Steven Chevrin welcomes the New Year with a moment of leisure.

Noma HanPin
Noma Han poses with the fashion van.

Isaac CarewPin
Isaac Carew spends off-time at a pajama party.

Tomas SkoloudikPin
Tomas Skoloudik shares an old image behind the scenes of a Hugo Boss show posing with actor Adrien Brody.

Linus Gustin Dan KlingPin
Linus Gustin celebrates the New Year with Dan Kling.

Bo DeveliusPin
Bo Develius share a fun moment.

Garrett NeffPin
Garrett Neff relaxes in Miami.

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