Jack O’Connell & Garrett Hedlund Wear Gucci to ‘Unbroken’ Hollywood Premiere

The Fashionisto


Published December 16, 2014


Updated January 5, 2015

Actors Jack O'Connell and Garrett Hedlund pose for a photo togetherPin
Actors Jack O’Connell and Garrett Hedlund pose for a photo together

Attending the Hollywood premiere of ‘Unbroken’ on December 15th, actors Jack O’Connell and Garrett Hedlund were at their sartorial best in suits from Italian label Gucci. O’Connell wore a three-piece, blue-gray wool Gucci Marseille suit, while Hedlund sported a double-breasted gray Gucci Made to Order Signoria suit.

Jack O'ConnellPin
Jack O’Connell

Garrett HedlundPin
Garrett Hedlund

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