James Franco the Cover Model: From GQ to Vogue

The Fashionisto


Published April 19, 2014

James Franco Magazine CoversPin

James Franco: Magazine Cover Model–Actor, artist, screenwriter, director…the list goes on when it comes to James Franco. For every headline he makes, whether it’s about his stint on Broadway or an appearance on SNL, Franco appears to have enough magazines covers to match. Capturing the interest and attention of the fashion world, Franco is a regular star on the covers of magazines. From GQ and Details to Vogue Hommes International, Franco has had his share of covers. We round up some of the actor’s best covers below.

James Franco Vogue Hommes International CoverPin
James Franco covers Vogue Hommes International Fall/Winter 2007

James Franco covers Interview October 2008Pin
James Franco covers Interview October 2008
James Franco covers Out November 2008Pin
James Franco covers Out November 2008
James Franco CoversPin
Left: James Franco covers Black Book December 2008/January 2009, Right: Franco covers VMAN fall 2009
James Franco for Men's Fashion Spring 2010Pin
James Franco for Men’s Fashion Spring 2010
James Franco covers Esquire September 2010Pin
James Franco covers Esquire September 2010
James Franco coversPin
Left: James Franco covers Esquire UK November 2010, Right: Franco covers August Man May 2010
James Franco covers Outside December 2010Pin
James Franco covers Outside December 2010
James Franco covers Flaunt fall 2011Pin
James Franco covers Flaunt fall 2011

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