Jared Leto Covers Los Angeles Confidential, Talks Dallas Buyers Club

The Fashionisto


Published April 20, 2014


Leto Confidential–Actor Jared Leto covers the spring edition of Los Angeles Confidential photographed by Nigel Parry with styling by Kemal Harris. Talking about Dallas Buyers Club, which earned him an Oscar win, Leto recalls a luncheon for the film hosted by Liza Minnelli. “You know what she said to me? She said, ‘I haven’t felt this way since I saw On the Waterfront.’ And she stood up in front of everybody and said, ‘Jared, when I was watching your performance, I felt the way that I do when a friend is going through the hardest time of their life. I felt like I knew you and that I cared for you in the way I would a dear friend.’ If I can support this film, then I’m happy to do it. Perspective and gratitude have a lot to do with it: I don’t make that many films. I don’t know when I’ll next make a film or when I’ll next be a part of this process. People have been rather lovely, supportive, and kind.” Read more at la-confidential-magazine.com.





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