Jared Leto Outtake Photos by Terry Richardson

The Fashionisto


Published April 2, 2014


Leto + Richardson–Actor and Thirty Seconds to Mars frontman Jared Leto shows off his rock ‘n’ roll edge in new outtake photos by photographer Terry Richardson. Friends and frequent collaborators, Richardson shot Leto for the latest issue of ES magazine.








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1 thought on “Jared Leto Outtake Photos by Terry Richardson”

  1. I still think Jared looked best as an emaciated speed freak in Darren Aronofsky’s druggie diatribe against the drugging of America (both prescription and street drugs), based on “Requiem for a Dream” by the late Hubert (“Last Exit to Brooklyn”) Selby, Jr. Yes, Leto lost a lot of pounds to look so slinky, and yes I am partial to the type, thinking fellow thespian Christian Bale looked his best in “The Machinist.” (On the other hand, I found Matthew McConaughey unattractive in “Dallas Buyers’ Club.” All three of these actors lose or gain weight in practice of their art. I can imagine what the groupies at Leto’s Martian rock concerts are thinking at any given time.

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