J.Lindeberg Spring 2009

The Fashionisto


Published July 7, 2008


Updated January 8, 2015


J.Lindeberg’s spring is looking blue and I like it.  Those shoes are killer and perfect for a burst of color.  I might have to add a pair to my spring wish list.

Pictures from Cafe.

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2 thoughts on “J.Lindeberg Spring 2009”

  1. Is that suede? I have problems with suede, as I tend to either spill water upon them at any given moment. I wish I could afford these pieces as they would definitely be staples in my closet. You should have a blog on your own fashion takes in your daily life. I’m curious to see how your favourite designs are translated into your own daily wear.

  2. It probably is suede. I have a pair of suede boots from J.Crew and I have walked through puddles, grass, dirt, etc. in them and love the way they look beat down. However, I would probably die if I ruined my suede oxfords by Prada.

    J.Lindeberg is not in high demand when compared to other brands, so hopefully these will hit the sales rack. It’s just the difficulty of tracking down a stockist. But, then again whenever I have ditched a J.Lindeberg piece on eBay, the amount of bidders has been ridiculous.

    Perhaps, I’ll start posting pictures in the near future when I’m done with school (December and I’m done with school forever =] )and have more downtime. In the mornings, it takes everything just to get out the house on time and then I don’t feel like taking pictures when I get home.

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