Leonardo DiCaprio, Chris Pine + More Attend Giorgio Armani 40th Anniversary Show

The Fashionisto


Published May 1, 2015

Leonardo DiCaprio and Giorgio ArmaniPin
Leonardo DiCaprio and Giorgio Armani

Giorgio Armani celebrated its forty year anniversary with a special show highlighting the Italian brand’s fashions throughout the years. Followed by an exclusive cocktail event, stars that included Leonardo DiCaprio, Pierce Brosnan and Chris Pine stepped out to show their support for Armani.

Giorgio Armani and Chris PinePin
Giorgio Armani and Chris Pine

Giorgio Armani and Caua ReymondPin
Giorgio Armani and Caua Reymond
Pierce Brosnan and Giorgio ArmaniPin
Pierce Brosnan and Giorgio Armani
Raoul BovaPin
Raoul Bova

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